So you want to sell stuff on eBay, but you have two minor
problems: you don't know how and you don't have stuff. Not a
problem. Keep reading for some tips to get you pointed in the
right direction to learn to make money on eBay.
Before you begin you’ll need some basic equipment: Computer,
Internet access, digital camera, and some space to put your
stuff. That’s really all you’ll need to get started. You’ll also
need shipping and packing supplies but that is addressed later.
Next you’ll need to learn how to list auctions. Go to the eBay
sellers overview: This
will be your lifeline. There is a plethora of information there
on everything you always wanted to know and more. Don’t be
overwhelmed; just take it one step at a time. You’ll see there
is information on listings, on bidding, on photos, on feedback –
it’s all there.
Next you’ll need to figure out what to sell. Before you zero in
on a particular niche you need some experience and some
feedback. Buyers are generally leery of buying from someone who
is brand new and has a feedback rating of less than 10
evaluations. While you are getting your feet wet, look around
your own house first. You’d be amazed at what people buy. You
could list outgrown clothing, magazines, candle holders, CD,
books, flannel sheets, recipes, the ugly old lamp that was Aunt
Mildred’s, all those goofy Christmas gifts sitting in your
basement, that old baby gate with a stain on it. Get the idea?
You never know what someone will want.
Although you need experience, you don’t want to list something
that isn’t likely to sell. Do your research first before you
invest the time in putting together a listing. An easy method to
use is do a “search” on eBay, then look up COMPLETED ITEMS, then
sort by HIGHEST price. Then you’ll see if your Tommy Bahama
shirt is really worth anything. Or you’ll see that your old
baseball cards had 23 listings and not one of them sold.
Pricing is another challenge. Again, you’ll need to do your
research. See what they’re going for. Don’t have overly high
expectations. You know how you feel when you go to a garage sale
and you see a pair of jeans for $15 or books for $4 each. Many
people come to eBay to look for a bargain. Consider how much you
have into the item. If you have an item from around the house,
you may consider that something is better than nothing, so you
may be inclined to start the bidding quite low. If you bought it
with the specific intention to resell, you will, at the very
minimum, want to break even, so take the price you paid for it
and consider other costs, i.e. listing fees, final value fees
(all explained in your lifeline – eBay seller overview above).
People are much more apt to bid if the bidding starts LOW.
Sometimes though, you will have collectibles that are worth a
chunk of money. Don’t give away that vintage postcard that is
worth $56! Do your homework.
The next big question is how do you get paid? You determine what
you would accept. Online payments such as PayPal (
are very convenient. You can also decide that you’ll accept
money orders or personal checks. The more options you leave your
buyers, the more likelihood you’ll get more bids.
You also need to decide how you want to ship your items to the
winners. Many sellers use USPS, others prefer UPS. If you use
USPS and ship via Priority Mail, you can get your envelopes and
boxes free from USPS. If you ship First Class or Parcel Post or
UPS, you’ll have to shop around for deals on boxes or envelopes
and bubble wrap or packing peanuts.
Overwhelmed yet? Yes there is a lot to learn, but it’s not
nuclear science. Just take it one step at a time. It’s a
learning process. Some yahoo groups (or MSN or AOL, or whatever
your preference) are great sources for support and camaraderie
with others who are doing the same.
So in summary, if you want to just “start pushing buttons” and
learn to make money on eBay on your own, YOU CAN DO IT. If you
do better chatting with others, those resources are available
too. Use what is available.
About the author:
Team-Schuman.Com contains the best make money online
and make money websites available today. If you want to
make money check us out here:
by: Jeff Schuman
Circulated by Article Emporium
Friday, 31 October 2008
Learn To Make Money On eBay
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Thursday, 30 October 2008
IS IT ALL HYPE? The Truth About Making Money On The Internet
Where else can you start a business that doesn’t require a fortune? What other types of businesses can you make money from that reaches across the globe without you having to change out of your pajamas at all? What other types of businesses allow you to make money online even if you didn’t have a single product or service to sell or promote?
None. That’s the answer.
The beauty of an online business is that you can start an online business anywhere, anytime with very little startup capital. In fact, some opportunities will even allow you to make money online without having to come up with a single cent at all! For instance, making money online through affiliate programs or selling products through a dropshipper at online auction sites. You can even make money online writing your own books or information products and selling them online. There’s lots of money to be made online! That’s precisely why many people quit their day jobs and start their own online businesses and make a very nice income working from the comfort of their homes.
It’s not all hype, for sure, because thousands and thousands of people are making an income online (if not a fortune), why not you? Why not your next door neighbor? Why not your sister? Anyone can make money online.
However, there’s a need to debunk all the hype and miraculous opportunities that many people try to lead vulnerable people to believe. Like, have you ever seen ads that go something like this:
As an Internet Marketer, it’s my job to tell you that it’s hard for anyone to make that kind of money in 3 days. There are exceptions to that rule, I know several internet marketing gurus who have made more than that in 24 hours, but that kind of success didn’t happen overnight most of the people in this caliber have been working online for years and years to get to this point. The truth is that YES, you can make money online and you can even get insanely rich! But it takes time. It takes effort. It takes patience. It takes perseverance. In actual fact, I can tell you from personal experience that it’s not very different from any other types of ‘conventional’ businesses. There’s no miracle formula and there’s no magic wand to wave. However, just like with anything in life, you’ll probably have to work very hard at your business before you start to make money online.
With that said, I will now tell you that it is POSSIBLE to make money online…..very possible and once you learn the ropes, you can duplicate that system and make more and more money online quite effortlessly and easily. With the kind of information and resources available online, to make money from an online business is not only possible, it’s almost a sure thing as long as you pick a legitimate opportunity and stick with it.
You won’t be rolling in money in three days but you can and will make money online from your online business if you are prepared to learn, to work at the business and be persistent and bull-headed about the success of your online business!
I say GO FOR IT!
by: Tanner Larsson
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Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Groups Lend Capability to Make Money on the Internet
William Shakespeare once wrote; "The world is a stage on which everyone is a player" ... and in Network Marketing, each player must play his/her part.
To make money on the internet, working from home, you need to find the players that play their parts.
Making money online is much easier when everyone is part of the performance...
Groups play a large part in forming such an association. A Yahoo group is easy to form and allows communication to flow freely amongst the members. Keeping everyone informed of latest developments and ideas, is easily done through groups.
To truely realise the "make money at home" principle, you have to communicate and allow people to interact with each other. Team players are known to be more likely to make money online, than their individual opposites. Many minds are greater than one.
Groups are a think tank of ideas that can transform an individuals personal performance by injecting new ideas and methods into their flagging marketing strategies. To make money online, you sometimes need the sort of push that a Group can give you.
While some groups live a short life, many have been around for over 6 years or more and still give that sort of unconditional support that a new person needs, to make money on the internet. Failure rates are lower when a group is active and being led by motivational methods. The Group structure produces loyalty and belief to many people.
Anyone who is serious about learning how to make money online, should ask if there is a support group available within the business and then check it out, to see how active the group is, by looking at the mailing figures. Most groups record the number of posts made in any particular month. 78 or more would indicate some moderate activity.
Belonging to a number of groups is also a great way of relationship marketing. Joining groups that are aligned to your own personal interests, often foster a great number of business associates. Those are the sort people who are most likely to play their part.
Always remember that to make money on the internet, you have to socialise and be online on a consistent basis. Plugging people into an online group will also help you in your quest to make money online.
About the author:
Michael A Fowler, M.B.A. is the editor of the Internet's premier work at home resource: Work from Home Journal.
An Online Trainer, Mentor and Coach, Michael has been helping people to succeed online since 1998.|
by: Michael A Fowler, M.B.A.
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How To Plan Your Week Making Money At Home-6 Days To Six Figures
Is it really possible to earn a 6 figure income on the internet? The answer to that is yes, but not everyone will do it! WHY?
The biggest lie told everyday on the internet is you can make money at home doing nothing.
"Join my program and I will build your downline for you. I do all of the work. This is so easy anyone can do it in their underwear. Buy my book and you will be successful."And on and on.... We have all fallen for this at one time or another.
My book shelf is full of books I have bought online and never finsished reading. Who has ime to read all of this stuff and still actually work at making money?
Here are the only 2 books you need to make money on the internet.
1. "The Insiders Secrets To Marketing Your Business On The
Internet" By Corey Rudl.
This is in my opinion the bible for making money online. While it carries an expensive price tag if you never bought another book these 1,000+ pages would be all you ever need to earn how to make money online. I use it everyday.
2. "Super Affiliate Handbook" by Rosalind Gardner
Without a doubt the best book ever written on making money at home with affiliate programs. Rosalind Gardner explains in detail how she makes over $400,000 dollars a year selling other people's stuff. I read this 3 times on vacation in Mexico and still refer back to it over and over again.
Learning to earn is a big part of the make money at home formula. None of us have the skill level when we first get started making money online. Either one of these 2 books, (or both), will be all you ever need to get started and move forward making money online.
If you have money to spend on promotion you are going to want to do pay-per-click advertising and Google AdWords campaigns eventually. This is a very targeted way to build your business, but should not be attempted by a newbie. Once you have the basics listed below you can branch out from there. To learn more about pay-per-click advertising go here:
But to get started right now let's summarize what is the best way to set up your week doing things that will actually move your online business forward on limited budget, and have you making more money than you spend.
Here is a simple outline for budgeting your time every week. Try to spend 2-3 hours or more everyday building your business. If you don't have that much time everyday then make it up on days when you do have it. Expect to spend 15-20 hours or more every week working on your business. The more properly spent effort you put in the more money you will make.
Here's a good way to schedule your week.
Research and write an article on a topic related to your business. If you are not sure how to write an article read this short artice here:
Submit your article to the following directories. Here is an article I wrote on tips for submitting your article:
If you can afford it have it submitted for you here:
If not then submit your article yourself to these article directories.
Exchange links with possible partners. This is hard to do just one day a week. You will find yourself spending a few minutes here and there when you have time. Because exchanging links is so tedious that is actually a better way to do it then to sit down and spend several hours at a time.
Here are 3 excellent link directories to get quality link partners.
Larry with has an great website to help you learn the basics of linking.
Post in at least 5 forums. To start with forums are a great place to ask questions and learn how to make money at home for free. The nice thing is that you can add a free short classified ad about your product along with the link to your website at the end of your post. This is a great non-threatening way to increase your traffic as well as one way links back to your website.
Forums are also a great place to get ideas for your weekly article. Look at the type of questions people are asking. Do some research and formulate an article around the answer to these commonly asked questions.
You can find hundreds of forums here:
Here are some more great forums to join and post in.
Add fresh content to your site. Maybe a new article or another sales or training page. Over a period of time you will have a website with hundreds of pages and you will see it on page one of the search engines for your most popular keywords and keyword phrases.
RSS feeds are all of the rage right now. I have found a simple way to add fresh content by adding a few lines of javascript to a page. Here are a couple of places to get fresh content scripts.
Catch up day. Return emails, research a new product or program to sell. Plan your next week.
Take the day off.
This article should get rid of any notion you may have that you will get something for nothing when it comes to making money online. It is hard work. It takes patience. You have to have a long range view of what your goals are. Making money from the comfort of your own home is not going to happen overnight.
But the good news is if you will do the things above over time you will see your income growing and eventually you will be making more money at home than you do at your full time job.
by: Jeff Schuman
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Make Money Online With AdWords 3 Tips For Fast Success
If you are wanting to make money online then their is no question that google AdWords can take your business or product to new heights. Imagine having a global market for what you are promoting. This is in essence what you get if you optimize your AdWords campaign properly. Most people simply have no clue how to make money online with AdWords,
however I am going to give you three tips to get your AdWords campaigns started on the right track.
1. Research your target market before you begin promoting products on AdWords, if you are already running an AdWords campaign with no results pause your campaign and do more research. To make money online with AdWords you must know your target market and exactly who will be buying your product. You want to market your product to a specific target audience because this wil increase your click through rate and conversion rates.
2. Use very targeted keywords when setting up your AdWords campaign. This is the single biggest mistake most advertisers make when trying to make money online with AdWords. Do not bid on vague keywords as this will ruin your click through rate and drain your budget. By bidding less than 25 cents on very targeted keywords you will boost your sales and cut advertising costs dramatically. To make money with AdWords you must follow this formula.
3. Set up you campaign using negative keywords and exact matches. This may get you less impressions, but will boost your CTR which in turn boosts your AdWords quality score. In order to make money online with AdWords you must balance cost and performance. By improving your quality score you will be able to make massive profits with Google AdWords.
My Personal Mission is to Teach Each and Every Person How To Turbocharge Their Online Business Using Google AdWords! For Your Free Report Outlining Simple Steps to AdWords Success Visit:
By: Matthew Lord
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Tuesday, 28 October 2008
Make Money at Home - Learn the Secrets Before Starting...
To a lot of people, network Marketing seems an arduous task. But it doesn't have to be that way. Networking can be very rewarding and you can have fun while learning how to make money at home.
Advertising can be accomplished in many different ways. Car stickers to sign posts and beer mats have been used consistently. Business cards coveniently placed in Hotels, Taxi Ranks, Airport departure lounges and hundreds of other suitable venues have produced good results. Making money online doesn't have to be pursued online.
To make money on the Internet, you just have to communicate through all the known mediums available. Be proud of what you represent and make sure that others know you are proud of your business. If you aren't proud of it, then go find something else that you can be proud of representing.
You do not need a highly priced business to make money on the internet. In fact, the lower the price, the more interest your business will receive.
Now this is where people go astray ... Network Marketing is about leverage. It is not about signing up thousands of people in your first week. It's about finding just a few people who find a few people ... and so on.
Remember, the drop out rate for highly priced businesses are substantially more than for the lower priced options. Affordability is a key factor in retaining your associates and your associates are the key factors that allow you to make money at home. Looking after, supporting and mentoring those associates should be your prime purpose in life. They are the people who will ensure your success.
In some businesses, you will not find any support whatsoever. Those are the ones to avoid. Also take a look and see if there is a good marketing system in place. If there isn't, you could run up a sizeable bill in marketing your business with external resources.
Remember, the whole point in starting and maintaining your business is to make money, not to spend it on resources that should have come with the business model.
While automation plays a part in todays marketing environment, it is the personal touches that make the sale. That follow up phone call to say hello, makes a whole lot of difference between success and failure.
To make money online, you have to communicate with those who have taken an interest in your business and you have to assure them that you are the person they need as a sponsor. Are you that dependable person?
About the author:
Michael A Fowler, M.B.A. is the editor of the Internet's premier work at home resource: Work from Home Journal.
An Online Trainer, Mentor and Coach, Michael has been helping people to succeed online since 1998.|
by: Michael A Fowler, M.B.A.
Circulated by Article Emporium
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Income Ideas and Money Making Magic
Instant Income Generators:
There are obviously many ways to make money online, some simple, some quite complicated...
If you're relatively new to Internet marketing, this 5-part course is particularly suited for you. It details
one of the most simple, yet most effective formulas for making money online that you'll find. Trust me, if this course can work for my dad, a retired naval officer who knows next to nothing about online marketing, it can work for you if you simply put it to use.
...So with that, let's get started! Affiliate programs, most of which are free to join, can be an excellent way to make money online. But they, like anything else, require use of the proper tools and resources if you're to expect any kind of significant success.
That's the thing. Way too many people hope or even expect to make money online without any type of investment. I can tell you right now, if that is what you're expecting, you might as well call it quits before you even get started. I am only being honest!
What you should expect is a modest investment of your time and (ideally) money. Though you can succeed without investing a dime, it will likely take you significantly longer than if you're willing to set aside a small budget specifically for online advertising.
Now, the first step in our 5 part formula is to find one or several good affiliate programs to join. As an affiliate, your job is simply to send visitors to the website hosting the affiliate programs. For each visitor you send who then decides to order, you are paid a commission.
Affiliate programs are attractive for beginners in particular because you don't have to worry about processing payments, delivering products, & etc. And again, most affiliate programs cost absolutely nothing to participate in. Indeed, these are advantages for most any person looking to make money online, beginner or otherwise.
However... In order to make significant amounts of money through affiliate programs, you'll still need the proper tools and resources. We'll cover those later.
Right now it's time to choose your first affiliate program! You can find various affiliate program directories by doing a search for 'affiliate program directory', 'associate program directory', etc., at
Here is a good directory to start with:
Now, when choosing affiliate programs, here are 10 keys to look for:
1. Ideally, choose an affiliate program that promotes products or services you enjoy!
2. Choose a program that offers high commissions, preferably 30% or higher.
3. Look for programs that offer residual, weekly or monthly income.
4. Look for a program that offers a product you would purchase yourself. Chances are, if you're interested in the product,many others are as well.
5. Look for a program with a good sales conversion rate. You can email the program operator and ask for statistics and proof of sales conversion rates.
6. Choose an affiliate program that provides a good set of promotional tools and resources that you can use to promote the program.
7. Look for a program that caters to a growing market or target audience.
8. Watch out for pyramid schemes. Participate only in programs that offer real, viable products.
9. Look for a program that targets a wide audience - not a small niche that could be saturated quickly.
10. Look for a programs that pay. Luckily, it's a small percentage, but there are dishonest program operators out there. If necessary, ask the program operator for the contact info of a few other affiliates.
One affiliate program that meets all of the above criteria, besides points 1 and 4 which you'll have to determine for yourself, is the program you'll find here:
(Click on the "Get Paid" button after reaching the page above) or PBP as we'll call it, provides online business owners and affiliates with virtually everything needed to start and run an online business (of most any type) in one convenient location, for one unbeatable price or for FREE by referring just one new PBP member per month!
Click here to learn more about this excellent resource:
So, if Internet marketing and making money online is "your thing" and I'll assume it is since you're reading this course, I highly recommend signing up for the PBP affiliate program as I'm confident it will be one of your top performing programs. And don't forget, it will never cost you a penny to join and participate as a PBP affiliate. You are offered the same commissions as monthly members!
Tomorrow, stay tuned for Part 2of 5 Simple Steps to an Internet Cashflow ... for Newbies!
And make sure you've signed up for at least one good affiliate program by then (if not PBP, then another program that you feel comfortable with)!
Here for Your Success,
Kay Forgione
by: Kay Forgione
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Sunday, 26 October 2008
How to Make Money With AdSense Made Easy
AdSense is a program that is professionally run by Google and fills a gap identified by the company several years ago that of ethical and effective internet advertising. Advertisers pay a predetermined amount to Google for every time their ad gets clicked. Now Google gives you opportunity to display these advertise on your site and earn share of revenue from it.To make a long story short, there are people who want to advertise on Google, they pay money for that and then there are people who want to make money from those adverts by displaying them on a website or a blog. AdSense is all about content. It's not about search results.
AdSense is hot, no doubt about it. So hot in fact that many people are jumping on the bandwagon with the hopes of getting rich without any clue to what they are getting into. AdSense has great ads from carbon offset providers that are very pertinent to my readers. AdSense has floundered for so many people, but some people are bringing in 3 figures per day with AdSense. What are the differences between AdSense earners making 4 figures a month from AdSense and people whose AdSense revenue is pennies per day?
Google has an extensive FAQ about this program. Google gives the chance for other webmasters to publish Google AdWords ads through their websites and/or blogs, sharing the revenue with them. You subscribe to the AdSense program, get your unique code to add it in your web pages and some ads related to the content will be generated automatically.
AdSense is a great platform for making money online. The beauty of it is that whenever someone clicks on one of the AdSense ads on your affiliate marketing site, you get paid. Google's advertising program is free to sign up and you can usually be online within an hour or so (assuming your application is approved quickly). Then adding AdSense to your blog is easy especially with bloggers new AdSense widget, it's quite simple with Wordpress as well but I'm going to assume Wordpress users already know how to do this since it's just cut and pasting HTML. Google AdSense is really a gold mine and people are creating niche websites just to display the ads and make easy money everyday - automatically.
Google will only allow quality site with quality content into its AdSense program. If you have a website that has good regular updated content, lots of pages and good traffic then you probably won't have any problems getting approved. You won't be told how much you will earn by Google as Google wants all that stuff kept secret. Like the brain surgeon that drives a Volkswagen while he saves up for his early retirement to the French Riviera, best not to remind people someones making gobs of money off of them. Google's AdSense is a superb revenue generating opportunity for small, medium and large web sites. Google's AdSense is a really great way to generate money online, and more and more people are starting to realize that. I actually feel like my potential to earn money with AdSense is virtually unlimited these days.
Google AdSense works on the principle of passive income. In other words, you will generate income with a minimal amount of active participation on your part. Google AdSense team has recently launched a new advertising programme for publisher, it is AdSense video unit. There is a code that you can embed into the YouTube video such that the ad will be displayed on the top. Google ads are those little "clickable" links that you see on many websites above, below and beside the articles. For example, if you look towards the top of this page, you'll see a horizontal line of text links.
The AdSense program allows entrepreneurs to benefit both from the active income from sale of products and from the passive income obtained through pay per click rates on AdSense ads. You will make money with AdSense if you follow the rules set out by Google. Google advertising tools shows how to build a site that is optimized for AdSense revenue, generates high traffic from the site's targeted audience, and achieves top search engine placement.
Google--and reputable users of AdSense--recognize that maintaining the quality of the program helps advertising and helps with the acceptance of internet advertising as a legitimate and professional medium for marketing. You may be forgiven one trespass, but Google is also under no obligation to allow you to blatantly ignore the policies and procedures.AdSense strategies, and the right AdSense strategies, are what work for success with AdSense you need strategies.
Content is what's going to keep visitors on your site, looking for the information they need. The longer they stay, the more chance they'll click an ad.If you haven't had a chance to learn about AdSense, now's a great time to get started.As thousands of savvy webmasters and bloggers are making money with Google AdSense. With Google sending them a check every month like clockwork.
Find out how..You...can..Quickly...Expand Your Horizons And Achieve Real...Success...on the Internet
By: Douglas Stuart
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Friday, 24 October 2008
5 keys to making money online
Would you believe there are tens of thousands of people who have found ways to make money online? Not only that, but their incomes are significant and growing, due to little competition and low cost of entry. If I can do it, then there is no reason why you can't. You can literally begin making money right away.
There are many, many, opportunities online, but here are the 5 factors you really need to consider, to guarantee your success:
1. Set your goals.
As with any business you need to set goals. Goals help you visualize where you want to go, and keep you motivated when you get up in the morning. You goal may be to earn $500 or $10000 a month, it may be to take that dream vacation, or it may be to give up your job. These are all great goals. It is imperative that you write them down and reread them often. You need a short term goal - e.g monthly goal, to keep you motivated from day to day and a longer term goal 1-2 years - to keep you on track and prevent you from chucking it in. I am confident that if you adopt a positive attitude and embrace your goals then you will soon be making money online.
2. Take time to research.
As I alluded to earlier there are many people making money online - and there are thousands of different businesses that you can try. The internet is a mine field of information and “making money online” opportunities are not difficult to find. However you will need to decipher the genuine opportunities from the scams. Many online promises are just methods to extract money from you. Some do's and don'ts
DON'T fall for the “get rich quick schemes” that promise huge returns in record time
DO try and email or telephone for more information
DO search online for feedback on the opportunity e.g. try name of opportunity + scam
DON'T part with money without consulting a friend you can trust and/or sleeping on it.
3. Find something that you like.
You're the boss now - so do yourself a favor and choose something you enjoy. This will greatly enhance your chances of success. A few things to consider:
Do you enjoy writing?
Do you enjoy talking to people?
Do you enjoy working on the computer?
Do you have a flair for sales?
Are there particular things that you are passionate about e.g sports, music?
Do you want to be contactable 24x7?
Do you want to have flexible/fixed hours?
Personally I like to work on my computer on my own time and my choice of internet business matches this. Find out what suits you, and you can weed out the business ventures which are not for you. Don't settle for second best - choose something you are comfortable with.
4. Find something worth your while.
While it is a good idea to avoid the sales pitch that promises the sun, moon, and stars; it is also important that you don't take the safe option - that guarantees $5 an hour for sending emails, filling our surveys, or licking stamps. These amount to you underselling yourself, because the opportunities of making money on the internet are so much greater. Look for systems which offer a good monthly return for a few hours work a day - if you find something with a residual income all the better.
5. Anything for an easier life!
One of my motivations for venturing into internet marketing was to create an easier life for myself. As I sat in my day job I used to think - “There must be easier ways to make money” - and there are! Earning a living online means that you have the luxury of working from home and choosing your own hours. It is important that you can exploit these perks, by being able to take time off, take extra vacations and spend more time with your family. You need to avoid the 40-50 hours a week for the sake of your sanity.
You have taken the first step by reading this article - you now just need to act upon it. I wish you the very best in your online endeavors.
About the author:
Keith Kingston is a highly successful affiliate marketer who is dying to share the methods he uses with you. Find out today about his guaranteed way to make money online at
by: Keith Kingston
Circulated by Article Emporium
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Thursday, 23 October 2008
Make Money Online: Work from the Comfort of Your Own Home
With so many ways to make money online, what is the best way to work from the comfort of your own home without breaking a sweat?
To make money online requires skill and patience. This article will reveal the essentials required to work from home as a full time "Megapreneur."
Quick riches lead to quick losses -- therefore the term "Megapreneur" relates the mindset required to analyse short, medium and long term goals required to accumulate wealth and build lasting profitable relationships on and off the web.
The key points to make money online start with capturing leads generated by promotional activites and following up with those leads. If this is not done traffic to your site is unlikely return. Some people may make the impulse buy, but most require adequate information to complete thier purchase. Repeat visits and repeat customer follow ups are essential for longevity of any work from home e-business venture.
To find customers, customers need to be able to find you. This can be achieved by being ever present at customer meeting spots and drawing thier attention. Pay per click, Search engine optimization, Free offers, Article writing and Press releases such as this one provide the opportunity to present goods and services to cater to a prospective customers needs and wants.
Copyrighting skills help to convey critical points and features to the prospect . The copy should also aim to overcome objections and to persuade readers at the same time. This same copy should also invoke feelings in the reader. The two most common are curiousity and urgency.
Risk reversal is also another powerful tool which can gain sceptical readers trust. Using the above tactics have been proven to turbo charge conversion rates. At the time of conversion an opportunity also arises for cross selling and upselling which further increases profits.
Next step is to start an affiliate program to reward people who can give you even more sales than would have otherwise been achieved. Offer a generous commission so your affiliates remember you as the best person to compensate them for thier efforts.
Joint venture partnerships can be forged if you are able to create a synergy which is mutually beneficial to both parties. What can you offer somebody that they are unable to achive without you? What can you gain by having them onboard your campaign? Answer these questions and your chances of making a JV deal will increase greatly.
This is just a sample of the actions required to be a successful "Megapreneur". And with the rise of information products comes the opportunity for common marketing techniques to be applied to an unlimited number of niches, so that people from all walks of life can make money online, if they have the staying power to succeed.
About the author:
Harley Darby creates systems and software for effective e-marketing. For a limited time I will be giving away free copies of my 7 part e-course "make money online from the comfort of your own home." worth alone over $97 dollars in value. Act now and visit http://www.megapreneur-millions.comor send a blank email to
by: Harley Darby
Copyright 2005 Harley Darby
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Wednesday, 22 October 2008
9 Ways to Make Money On-line
Are you making money hand over fist with your website? If you are then you don’t need to bother reading this article because it is not for you. If you are like most of us your website sales are slow and unpredictable and you need to think of new ways to make money online without taking more time and effort. All of your time should be dedicated to producing your product, right? Well, here are just a few ways to make a little bit or a lot of money online without any effort.
1. Affiliates
Sign up to become an affiliate for other businesses that are on the net. I only sign up with the companies that I honestly would recommend to anyone. All that you have to do is refer your customers to these sites. Once one of my referrals makes a purchase, I receive a small payment. With some of the affiliate programs the fee is quite large.
2. Google Ads
I was not too sure about this one but I signed up and I am now convinced. The first week that I had Google ads on my website I made $.18 and the next week I made $6.45! Wow! Big boost. If I keep this up, I just may be able to pay for my web host by the end of the month!
3. Google Search
Works close to the same way as the ads. People use your search tool, make a purchase and then you are compensated.
4. Amazon
Another great tool that will trickle in a few dollars here and there, all for 10 minutes of your time putting a little code into your website and Amazon does the rest.
5. Selling Ad Space
You could sell ad space if you have a site that has high traffic.
6. Selling Subscriptions to Your Newsletter
If you have a newsletter that has high demand information, you could charge for your newsletter.
7. Selling Ad Space in Your Newsletter
Sell ad space in in your newsletter. Same drill as with ad space on your website. Just put a box on your newsletter with a note inside it that says "Your Banner Could Go Here" Then have a page that tells how many subscriber that you have, how often your newsletter goes out and what type of content it usually contains plus the price per ad.
8. Selling E-Books
Do you know something about your craft or hobby that you know people would pay to learn as well? Then sell it in an e-book. What a great way to make a little extra money. You take the time to write a good quality e-book then just fill the orders. You could even set it up so that once the e-book order has been processed and paid for, it goes out automatically using an auto responder without you even having to lift a finger, except to go to the bank to collect your money.
9. Consulting - Offer your services
Do you sell wedding supplies and know all of the best suppliers around? Do a little research and offer your services as a wedding coordinator. Offer your assistance to the people that want to plan their own wedding, but need a little bit of help.
Remember, you wont get rich with just one of these programs, but you just may make a tidy little sum every month with a combination of all of them.
About the author:
Lisa Jay is a freelance writer and the jewelry designer behind Lantana Designwear. You can visit her websites at http://www.LantanaDesignwear.comand
Be sure to sign up for her newsletter at receive helpful information on making your business a success.
by: Lisa Jay
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Tuesday, 21 October 2008
Make Money at Home - Learn the Secrets Before Starting...
To a lot of people, network Marketing seems an arduous task. But it doesn't have to be that way. Networking can be very rewarding and you can have fun while learning how to make money at home.
Advertising can be accomplished in many different ways. Car stickers to sign posts and beer mats have been used consistently. Business cards coveniently placed in Hotels, Taxi Ranks, Airport departure lounges and hundreds of other suitable venues have produced good results. Making money online doesn't have to be pursued online.
To make money on the Internet, you just have to communicate through all the known mediums available. Be proud of what you represent and make sure that others know you are proud of your business. If you aren't proud of it, then go find something else that you can be proud of representing.
You do not need a highly priced business to make money on the internet. In fact, the lower the price, the more interest your business will receive.
Now this is where people go astray ... Network Marketing is about leverage. It is not about signing up thousands of people in your first week. It's about finding just a few people who find a few people ... and so on.
Remember, the drop out rate for highly priced businesses are substantially more than for the lower priced options. Affordability is a key factor in retaining your associates and your associates are the key factors that allow you to make money at home. Looking after, supporting and mentoring those associates should be your prime purpose in life. They are the people who will ensure your success.
In some businesses, you will not find any support whatsoever. Those are the ones to avoid. Also take a look and see if there is a good marketing system in place. If there isn't, you could run up a sizeable bill in marketing your business with external resources.
Remember, the whole point in starting and maintaining your business is to make money, not to spend it on resources that should have come with the business model.
While automation plays a part in todays marketing environment, it is the personal touches that make the sale. That follow up phone call to say hello, makes a whole lot of difference between success and failure.
To make money online, you have to communicate with those who have taken an interest in your business and you have to assure them that you are the person they need as a sponsor. Are you that dependable person?
About the author:
Michael A Fowler, M.B.A. is the editor of the Internet's premier work at home resource: Work from Home Journal.
An Online Trainer, Mentor and Coach, Michael has been helping people to succeed online since 1998.|
by: Michael A Fowler, M.B.A.
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5 keys to making money online
Would you believe there are tens of thousands of people who have found ways to make money online? Not only that, but their incomes are significant and growing, due to little competition and low cost of entry. If I can do it, then there is no reason why you can't. You can literally begin making money right away.
There are many, many, opportunities online, but here are the 5 factors you really need to consider, to guarantee your success:
1. Set your goals.
As with any business you need to set goals. Goals help you visualize where you want to go, and keep you motivated when you get up in the morning. You goal may be to earn $500 or $10000 a month, it may be to take that dream vacation, or it may be to give up your job. These are all great goals. It is imperative that you write them down and reread them often. You need a short term goal - e.g monthly goal, to keep you motivated from day to day and a longer term goal 1-2 years - to keep you on track and prevent you from chucking it in. I am confident that if you adopt a positive attitude and embrace your goals then you will soon be making money online.
2. Take time to research.
As I alluded to earlier there are many people making money online - and there are thousands of different businesses that you can try. The internet is a mine field of information and “making money online” opportunities are not difficult to find. However you will need to decipher the genuine opportunities from the scams. Many online promises are just methods to extract money from you. Some do's and don'ts
DON'T fall for the “get rich quick schemes” that promise huge returns in record time
DO try and email or telephone for more information
DO search online for feedback on the opportunity e.g. try name of opportunity + scam
DON'T part with money without consulting a friend you can trust and/or sleeping on it.
3. Find something that you like.
You're the boss now - so do yourself a favor and choose something you enjoy. This will greatly enhance your chances of success. A few things to consider:
Do you enjoy writing?
Do you enjoy talking to people?
Do you enjoy working on the computer?
Do you have a flair for sales?
Are there particular things that you are passionate about e.g sports, music?
Do you want to be contactable 24x7?
Do you want to have flexible/fixed hours?
Personally I like to work on my computer on my own time and my choice of internet business matches this. Find out what suits you, and you can weed out the business ventures which are not for you. Don't settle for second best - choose something you are comfortable with.
4. Find something worth your while.
While it is a good idea to avoid the sales pitch that promises the sun, moon, and stars; it is also important that you don't take the safe option - that guarantees $5 an hour for sending emails, filling our surveys, or licking stamps. These amount to you underselling yourself, because the opportunities of making money on the internet are so much greater. Look for systems which offer a good monthly return for a few hours work a day - if you find something with a residual income all the better.
5. Anything for an easier life!
One of my motivations for venturing into internet marketing was to create an easier life for myself. As I sat in my day job I used to think - “There must be easier ways to make money” - and there are! Earning a living online means that you have the luxury of working from home and choosing your own hours. It is important that you can exploit these perks, by being able to take time off, take extra vacations and spend more time with your family. You need to avoid the 40-50 hours a week for the sake of your sanity.
You have taken the first step by reading this article - you now just need to act upon it. I wish you the very best in your online endeavors.
About the author:
Keith Kingston is a highly successful affiliate marketer who is dying to share the methods he uses with you. Find out today about his guaranteed way to make money online at
by: Keith Kingston
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Sunday, 19 October 2008
I Make Money Online. You Can Too
When I purchased my first computer over 10 years ago, I knew I wanted to put it to work and make money with it some how. But I knew nothing about computers or the Internet. I knew nothing about network marketing,
search engine marketing, or even how to create my own web site. I knew nothing about e-mail marketing e-mail leads or how to set up an e-mail list.
I began searching the Internet for ideas. I quickly learned that you could join several affiliate programs and they would supply you with a free affiliate web page. Unfortunately getting good quality traffic to these affiliate web pages was somewhat of a challenge. And the Major search engines wouldn’t even list my new affiliate web pages. So once again I was left searching the Internet for ideas.
I kept reading over and over again to get your own domain name and create your own web site. Then incorporate all your affiliate links into your new web site. Create a theme and join affiliate programs related to that theme. But I knew nothing about creating a web site. And what the heck is HTML?
I began creating web pages on Microsoft publisher. These were very simple pages and now when I look back at them I have to laugh. They were anything but professional and publisher actually made many errors in the HTML code. But this was all just part of the learning curve. You have to learn to walk before you run.
Eventually I started writing my own HTML using Microsoft word and saving it as a simple HTML text file. To this day all my web page’s are created using word.
Since starting my online business I have probably joined 100s of affiliate program opportunities, re-modeled my web page over 50 times and spend more than 4 hours a day reading and learning how to further promote my sites to make more money. All this was done on my own with little to no training from others.
When I started I knew nothing and now my business is getting between 5-10 commission checks in the mail every month generated from sales or leads coming from my 6 web sites.
I get people that say to me all the time. I cannot do that on my own. Well if I can do it you can too. It just takes a little patients and the will to learn. If you want to make money online you need to act. You need to search for information and read all about how to create your own web site. Then you need to search for information on how to promote, advertise, and most of all how to get good search engine rankings.
by: Tom Worsley
Copyright © Tom Worsley
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