by: Gary Durkin
Wake Up Homer Simpson…..
An article by Gary Durkin
© Copyright 2004
It amazed me way back, and it still amazes me today. Just how many Homer Simpsons there are on the internet.
Don’t get me wrong, I love ‘The Simpsons’.
I’ve been responsible for a few ‘Homer-isms’ in my time, especially after I’ve had a few Duff Beers!
But nothing to the extent I have seen online (and off) over the years….. and I’ve seen a lot believe me.
Only today, I was with some friends and the conversation moved to ‘making money’ (as it does!). One of them announced that he had just invested in a fantastic scheme on the internet, which said he would make over $50,000 in next to no time, with a simple investment of just $250 – and he had absolutely nothing to do.
Some of you will be thinking, “Yeah, that’s sounds similar to the one I am with”…. Others will be thinking “IDIOT! Not possible”
For those who think it’s a good deal - you are HOMER SIMPSON.
For those who think it sounds like something you’re in – HOMER!!
For those who think he’s an idiot for getting involved – you’re Lisa Simpson.
The truth is, the internet holds no ‘magic bullets’. No secret ways of making a fortune, without doing anything or paying a dime.
If you think you CAN make a fortune, by doing nothing and spending nothing, then you really are Homer Simpson…... D’oh!
MTYH – “anyone can make a fortune online”
FACT – most people trying to make money, don’t. They get sucked in to silly schemes just like the one above, and get nowhere.
MYTH – “there are 500 Million people looking to buy online”
FACT – there are probably half a billion people with internet access, but they all don’t use it, they all certainly don’t want to buy things.
MYTH – “you don’t need to spend a dime to make money”
FACT – yes you do. Not necessarily tens of thousands of dollars,
but to be successful, you do need to spend even just a little.
MYTH – “once I’m in, I don’t do any work to make a fortune”
FACT – I can tell you for sure, that some of the biggest names around still spend upwards of 14 hours a day working to be successful online.
The truth sometimes hurts. You do need to work to earn. You do need to invest a little time and money to reap the rewards.
In the past, I’ve gone to the extreme of setting aside what I called ‘Idiot Money’. This was capital which I knew would be lost forever, and ventured into MLM programs, Pyramids, Gifting Schemes, Matrixes, and many others. I did this just to prove my point, there is no basis for anyone to say something doesn’t work, if they have never tried it themselves.
I’m sure not all the programs fail, or never deliver,
Here’s a little story to leave you with….. a true story…. Something I did a few years ago as a joke.
I ran an advert to a Safelist…. Like this:-
This REVOLUTIONARY new program is changing the way the GURUS think about internet PROFITS
BE THE FIRST (I am) and make a FORTUNE.
A BRAND NEW 0x0 (zero by zero) reversing, infinite matrix Gifting Program with forced spill-over directly into my account, is GUARANTEED to make me a FORTUNE.
Simply gift to me $100 to my account, then sit back, relax and do absolutely nothing (that’s just what I do).
I am going to make a pile of cash the size of my house from this.
Note – your $100 gift to me will be gratefully received – thank you. The more people who gift money to me, the more profit I make.
For more information on giving me money, contact…. XXXXXX
So… what did you think? Do you think it sounds interesting and something you could join? If you did…. Pack up your computer and return it to the shop where you bought it from.
Most (hopefully) all you are laughing, thinking that the Ad was complete nonsense and no-one would ever fall for it.
WRONG. Even though it was worded clearly, even though it was absolute silliness, I still had TEN people contact me, asking where to send their $100
Well, it’s true. Needless to say I did NOT take their money, I explained it was a joke, worded in such a way to prove clearly it was a joke.
After some thought, each of them went away feeling very silly.
Not everything in life is as clear as that. Not everything is what it seems.
Don’t get sucked into silly claims that fly around the Internet.
Think first……. Then think again.
Friday, 28 November 2008
Wake up Homer Simpson!
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What Does it Take to Make Money Online?
by: Darrell Knox
What a loaded question! Let’s narrow that down a bit and take it from the perspective of someone who wants to work from home and make money online in a home business. That will make it an easier question to answer.
Let’s assume you’ve never had a website, don’t know how to get a merchant account, don’t know html, and are pretty much stuck with being an expert on sending and receiving email.
What’s there for you to do online to make money? Lots, in fact! These days are not at all like a couple of years ago or even six months ago. If I only had all the opportunities to make money online when I started marketing!
Here is a list of things you can do with just a website and a hosting account today:
Sell affiliate products (products like reports, ebooks, hard goods of every conceivable make, model, size, shape and function, and much, much more). Sell services (do you know how big a business being a Virtual Assistant is these days? It’s quite amazing what you can do for people without ever meeting them face-to-face, anywhere in the world!) Online auctions (Ebay has made thousands and thousands of people full-time incomes from auctioning collectibles, antiques, and even brand new equipment and gadgets of all imaginable types. You name it, it has been sold on Ebay!) Membership sites: Know of any groups of people that would love to get insider information on virtually any topic? You could make money online with a membership site!
The list is a long one and one I am not prepared to detail here. You have found your way onto the net and if you have been surfing for very long at all you know it is a gigantic super shopping mall. Who to you think is making the most money online? Aside from big corporations, most of the web is made up of sites put up by little businesses people work from home.
I sell information and I love it. Most of the products I sell are other merchants’ products. I just drive traffic to my site, provide information, and point to relevant products related to the information I provide people looking for a way to make money online. I love helping people make their first few sales.
After that, they are always hooked and cannot do enough to learn everything there is to know about how to make money online. Many people I have worked with now have a couple to several websites selling everything from reports to hard goods that can be shipped direct to their customers. Most people start out to make money online as affiliates of certain products or authors. This is a great way to get your feet wet and learn what making money online is all about. People then either work to create their own products (which they get 100% of the profits from) or expand their website into other related niches.
About the author:
Darrell Knox is a writer and entrepreneur with 15 years of home business and marketing experience.Website:
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What is affiliate marketing and how do I get started?
by: Monica Faircloth
Definition of affiliate marketing:
Affiliate marketing is taking someone else's product or service and advertising it using your own affiliate website or link in order to make money. The owner of the website/product/service will pay you a percentage of each sale generated through your unique affiliate link or website.
Sounds a bit confusing, but in reality is a very simple process with a win/win situation for all parties involved and a fun way to make money online.
How to get started:
You have two options to consider when doing affiliate marketing, whether to have a website or to simply advertise using your unique affiliate link. Many affiliates will create an informational website to be used as a basis for related affiliate links. This can be a great option, due to the fact that you would only need to advertise one website in order to make money.
To go this route, think of something that you are passionate about or something that is a hot topic right now. Once you have determined your theme you need to decide on a website name. To find ideas and keywords to be used as a URL, or domain name, I would recommend using to find appropriate popular keywords related to your theme. It is good to use a popular keyword as your website and domain name so that you will rank higher in search engines.
Once you have your theme and have chosen a name, you need to register your domain name and obtain website hosting. I recommend using Yahoo for your website hosting needs. They offer a free domain name and website builder that does not require knowledge of html when you purchase website hosting. They also allow you to pay monthly rather than having to pay a year in advance which helps you save with upfront costs.
Your next step would be to build your website and fill it to the brim with great information related to your theme. A great and easy way to do this is to get articles from free article websites like the ones listed below:
Then, once you have a great website full of information about your theme, your next step is to work on search engine optimization. Do a search on Google for SEO and you will find lots of free information on how to do this. You also need to offer a free newsletter so that you can establish repeat visitors.
When your informational website is complete and fully optimized, submit it to all of the major search engines. Google's "submit a URL" can be found under "About" Google. This is the main one and the best place to start. Yahoo charges a fee to submit your website to them so this would be something you could do later.
Now you are ready to start adding affiliate links to your website so you can earn money! Sign up at these free websites and find appropriate websites to affiliate with:
Also, add Google Adsense to your website for added revenue. Advertise using Pay Per Click such as and Continue to add a page of information to your website daily. The more information you have, the higher your chances of ranking with more keywords on the major search engines. Have fun maintaining your website and watching your traffic...and your revenue grow! Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money and your earning potential is almost endless. Affiliate marketing is something you can get started doing today to earn money online.
About the author:
Monica Faircloth is a freelance writer and a work at home mentor as well as the owner of:
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What Is Wrong With Email Marketing?
by: Peter Dobler
Copyright 2005 Peter Dobler
If you are active on the web promoting your products, affiliate programs or services, you probably sense where I’m going with the title of my article. We all put a lot of effort into our internet business. We all have the same hopes and dreams about where our internet business will go.
Unfortunately we are all depended on too many variables that have to be just right at the right time.
What is he talking about you might ask. Let’s take a simple example. Listening to self declared gurus of internet marketing they all tell you the same thing. “You have to build your list”, by that they mean your email list.
After following this advice and spending hundreds of dollars in opt-in email leads and maintaining a list of over 5000 subscribers I was pretty convinced that success is just around the corner.
This is as far away from the truth as human possible. I’m running a newsletter delivered daily and I send additional sales letters to pitch some of my affiliate products. I track every email with ad tracking and click through analysis.
Guess what? Nothing! Sending daily emails and sometimes an additional sales letter would trigger something, at least a wave of cancellations, don’t you agree? Well, my conclusion of this mess is that over 90% of the emails never passed the SPAM filters.
This is devastating. As you know most people sing up for newsletters through their free email accounts. The few who use their regular email address unsubscribe within a few days.
Don’t get me wrong, newsletters are great and if done right they can help you to promote your business. I believe the key is that your newsletter needs to be unique and very narrow focused on a niche target.
Going back to the email leads issue. Buying email leads from email harvesters it is a waste of money. Even if they are double or triple opt-in leads. Promoting a copied newsletter is a waste of money. Why bother to promote something that is already promoted hundreds of times?
If you are targeting the people who are looking to make money online, your target audience is pretty narrow and they probably have already subscriptions to one or another form of marketing newsletter.
I’m actually shifting my focus completely and put a newsletter together to help people to get started with real estate investments, especially Florida real estate. As you can see this is a very narrow target audience. If I get a couple of hundred subscribers I will be happy. If you’re interested send an email to I will let you know when the newsletter will be available.
The bottom line of my story is, don’t advertise to the advertiser. You just waste your time and money. That’s the main reason why people getting frustrated with their internet business and simply quit. This is like car dealers advertise solely to other car dealers. What do you think will happen?
I know what you are thinking. What happened to him? Didn't he tell us in his article "Where's the Traffic?" that email lists are the cure to non-visited websites? Yes, that's true. I still believe that autoresponders are good business practice to communicate with your customers. I just didn't see the value of buying email leads. Yes, I changed my opinion, which is plain human nature and happens to all of us.
I hope this made you think a little bit and if you can turn your business into the profitable margins based on my little advice please let me know. I’m eager to hear if somebody actually is listening to what I have to say.
About the author:
Peter Dobler is a 20+ year veteran in the IT business. He is an active Real Estate Investor and a successful Internet business owner. Learn more about the concept of residual income at http://www.fl-home-biz.comor send a blank email to
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Which Niche To Conquer?
by: Russell Brunson
I'm sure that you've heard about how many start up companies fail when they first begin, and the reason that most (if not all) of their failures is because they don't create a good fountain to build on.
If we start right, it is easy to go right all the time. But if we start wrong, it's much harder to go back and get it right. So please pay close attention, get out your pen and pencil, and let's get to work.
When you first start, you need to decide which niche are you going to conquer.
When I first started my online business, I made the same mistake that 99.9% of people make. I read an ebook about how to make money online, and I decided that I would...
can you guess...?
I wrote my own book about "how to make money." I compiled all of the regurgitated information I could find, put a twist on it, and started to sell it. After 2 weeks and a little over $30 in sales I started to think:
"Why am I selling a book about how to make money... when I have NEVER in my life made any real money!?!"
You may laugh, but it took me a few weeks before I realized that there was a problem there. I decided to stop selling my book, and started to look for other ways to make money online. What I stumbled upon next really gets exciting.
I was going to college at the time, and my degree is in "Computer Information Systems." I knew some things about programming, but not enough to create anything real. What I did know is where programmers spend their time online.
So I started visiting places where you could hire programmers and got to know a few. I then started to search for a market that needed something.
What I came upon was the "Resale Rights" market. Basically this was people buying and selling digital products (ebooks and software) that they could then go and sell to other people. This concept really excited me. I purchased a lot of these products, but struggled to sell them because all of the products had links back to the author's websites.
These authors were making money every time I sold these products... on the backend. When I realized that, the first thing I thought was,
"I wish that had a way to brand all of these files with my own links."
And there the idea was born. I just needed to create a product that would brand these "resale rights" products. I wouldn't be competing directly with that market, but make a complementary product that would benefit them all.
I went back to the programmers that I had been building relationships with, and gave them my idea. Within a matter of weeks they created a product that is now known as Zip Brander. (You can see the product at
I'm not going to go into how I marketed it in this lesson (I'll save that for another day), but with the one product I made over $1,000 my first month with it, and it made us over $50,000 in 2004 alone.
Since then I've been able to branch out to a lot of various niches and have had amazing success in most of them. In other issues I will share exact case studies of these that you will be able to model in your businesses.
How To Pick The Right Niche
I want to show you now how to choose your niche. Just follow these 3 simple steps.
Step 1 - Do not choose the "how to make money" niche. I'm not sure why, but I made this mistake along with thousands of other people. This is the most competitive niche in the world. If you want to fight against the marketers, good luck. But there is a lot more money (and it's made a lot easier) in the niches I'll explain below.
Step 2 - Look at your personal talents, and start from there. I have had this conversation more then once - usually every time I discuss an online business with someone.
I ask them what their hobbies are that we could market, and they almost always they tell me that they don't have anything they could sell. The problem is that people usually look at their current job, and can't think of ways they can market that skill.
Don't look at your current job, but look at what you do on your free time. The thing that is your passion. This is where you'll find your niche.
Here are examples of the last 3 conversations I've had:
Friend #1 - works construction, and couldn't think of a marketable skill. After 3 1/2 minutes realized that he has twin girls. Found there was a huge market for informational product in this niche and him and his wife are now working on their first product.
Friend #2 - works as a manager at Office Depot. One the weekends loves to shot guns with his dad. They are creating a software program that helps people to increase their accuracy when shooting. They are also creating video demonstrations on how to improve your accuracy.
Friend #3 - came to me asking for help promoting a "how to make money online" course. He had to call me using a video relay because he's deaf. I told him that he was going in the wrong direction with what he was promoting. He had no experience making money online. I asked him what his hobbies were, and surely enough told me he didn't have any that he could sell. Before I even asked that question I knew what his niche was. He's been speaking through sign language his whole life, and there are thousands of people searching every month on how to learn sign language.
What do you do in your free time when no one else is around? Are you good at video games? Are you a good cook? Do you play any sports? Do you throw dinner parties? Do you collect anything? Can you play an instrument? What is your passion? When you can answer this... then you know what your niche is.
Step 3 - Research your market. Don't worry - this part isn't nearly as hard as you'd think. Within about 5 minutes I can usually tell if a niche is worth looking at. There are 3 things you need to do, and you'll know if it's the right niche.
First - Check out the search engines. There are a lot more advanced tools then this, but this one is completely free to use. Go to and type in your niche. This will show you how many times that word was searched for that month on their search engine. If there are a lot of people searching for it each money, the it's likely a good niche.
Second - Search for online communities related to your niche. People with similar interests migrate to the same places online. Wrestlers hang out at wrestling forums, poets hang out in poetry message boards, etc... Go to and type in "________ forums" or "_________ message board" or "_______ groups" (put your niche in the blank). Visit these forums and see if they are active and how many members they have. You can often find forums with 10,000+ members in it. If you find good communities focused around your niche, then this is another good sign.
Third - Search for similar products. If you can find others selling products in your niche, then it's usually a good sign that there's some life there. Purchase their products and get to know your competition (because they are going to become your JV partners in another lesson).
After getting this far, you should have a good idea about which niche you would like to conquer, as well as some idea about if it is a profitable niche.
In the next lesson we are going to discuss how you can turn those talents into a product. Product creation is one of the most exciting parts of the game for me, so look out for that lesson coming soon.
Russell Brunson
About the author:
Written by Russell Brunson editor of www.conqueryourniche.comnewsletter.
Discover How I Earned A High 6-Figure Income In Spite Of My College Education at
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Who Else Wants Their Own Internet Marketing Home Business?
by: Dean Shainin
Copyright 2005 Dean Shainin
Have you ever dreamed of having your own home business?
With easy steps, you can now start a complete internet marketing home business within 24 hours using proven internet marketing techniques. That’s right!
With a home business you can be your own boss. Set your own schedule. Spend more time with your family and enjoy life!
Take a look at today’s internet technology. We now have email, autoresponders, search engines, marketing sites, affiliate programs, marketing experts, all of which are now very low cost and instantly available.
The Information Age, with instant access to anything you want within seconds using search engines, has caused a home business revolution. No more waiting days or weeks for information. Within seconds you can find anything. Yes, anything!
Model Someone Who Is Successful With A Home Business
You can build residual income using proven internet marketing techniques and start seeing success immediately. I’ve spent hundreds of hours on research in the area of home business and internet marketing. You can benefit from the trial and error I have gone through, to be successful.
You can make money online by creating your very own home business. You may have doubts regarding creating real income using the internet. I did too! By using proven marketing techniques you will soon feel differently. It all comes down to marketing.
Many Great Income Opportunities Are Now Available
You may ask yourself, "how do I know which one is right for me?
There are so many income opportunities available today."
This is a very important question that only you can answer. It's best to find something you are interested in.
Start by reading articles, e-zines, and how to information, outlining the benefits of having your own home business.
No college degree is necessary! No huge investment is required! You can join the revolution and start earning residual income immediately.
This is a perfect solution for those who are disabled, unemployed, recently laid off or those wanting to make money online.
Do You Want To Make Money With A Home Business?
Do you want to make money working at home? You’ll need to figure out how other people are doing this. Where do you start? By looking at people who are already successful with a home business.
If you have been searching for a way to make money online using the internet, you can subscribe to free internet marketing newsletters. Get hundreds of money making tips and tricks for free.
Why start from scratch building your home business when others have made it so simple? Take a look at what others have done and you can emulate their success.
There are turn-key systems that anyone can start with little or no experience. These complete money making systems took years to develop.
It's great if they are members of the Better Internet Bureau (certified quality site) and Members of i Cop (protecting the consumer) that are committed to upholding the highest business and ethical standards possible.
It’s important for you to feel comfortable using a marketing service to get you set up and started in the right direction.
Don’t drive yourself into the ground trying to figure out how to make money online, like I did, when I started out. It’s really quite simple. Look into some unique home business opportunities and it could be just what you’ve been looking for.
It’s Never Too Late To Start Your Own Home Business
You can start taking advantage of a home business opportunity at any time. Turn many hours of research and proven methods into your own internet marketing home business and make money online today.
Unleash the possibilities! Discover the unlimited home business opportunities available to you. Read the testimonials of others and start using successful internet marketing secrets to make money online.
There are many internet marketing services, affiliate programs and web masters that can help you get started. Thousands of people like yourself are making a full-time income with their own home business. You owe it to yourself to look into ideas on how to get started today!
About the author:
Dean Shainin is a work at home Internet Marketing trainer at: We can build you a profitable home Business working part-time from home. Training, support, Websites and Products are all provided. *COMPLETE* Money Making Site Setup Free! For details visit this site now:
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Why Building Affiliate Websites Are the Way to Go
by: Jason Gazaway
It seems that everybody is into making money online these days. By far, the largest market place in the world is right there in front of you within the cyber world of the internet. But what is the simplest and easiest way to make money online? Well, affiliate marketing nowadays is the very common and the most popular method of earning money online.
In addition, affiliate marketing allows you to make money online by earning commissions off sub-affiliates, people you have brought on to be affiliates of the parent company. These two-tiered affiliates may seem like a pyramid scheme, but the point is, it generates a tremendous amount of traffic to your site as well as to your partners' sites, which helps everyone make money online.
So, what is the first thing you will need? It is to build your own website and decide how much you are willing to spend on your site. Nevertheless, to online your business is buried among millions of websites. As a start-up internet business, you have several options and several things to consider. Anything from setting up a free account on one of the countless blog sites, to paying thousands of dollars to professionals for the design and hosting.
Keep in mind that people can’t just falter upon it accidentally. It’s like spinning your wheels yet you are getting nowhere, or you are talking, but no one’s listening. You have you establish your presence and make your own site. You need to advertise and promote constantly. Most importantly, make a lasting impression so next time a customer is in the market for your type of product, they will never forget your site over someone else with similar products. Remember that everyone from industrial giants to corner flower shops now wants to stake a profitable claim in cyberspace. Building affiliate website is just a much better in promoting products as an affiliate.
However, if you have an affiliate website, you can list other people's websites on yours and become an affiliate, making money online through sales commissions every time someone goes to their site through yours and makes a purchase. You can make anywhere from 5% to 30% just by advertising their link.
But if you have none, better yet build your own affiliate website. A website is not like putting a convenient store on a corner and every person will see it as they pass by, and stop. If you do not advertise your site in some form, no one will know you’re on the web. The old saying “if you build it, they will come” just isn’t true when it comes to opening a website.
Building and promoting affiliate websites is not an easy task. With the web these days growing at a substantial rate, juts about everywhere you turn on the web, you will see offers to own your own business. A lot of these offers are justifiable businesses with real products and items waiting for you to open on of their affiliate sites and start selling. They can sound very good and get you excited, tell you that you can make tons of money. But then, be very careful, you have to consider a lot of things before you can keep on.
Remember that there are also downfalls to having an affiliate website; bear in mind that you probably won’t have much control over it, the bad thing is sometimes, none at all. First, you may not have the power to control over the ad banners that appears on your site, you won’t have control over the content, links or text links and on some of them, you may not be able to control the keywords or optimize the site for the search engines, or maybe even see your daily traffic or check your status, like how many visitors have you gotten and how many items you have sold.
On the other hand, building affiliate sites can also be a good thing if you are looking for a low maintenance way to have a business on the web. Affiliate websites can also give you a reasonably good income once you become established and if you know where you can pick up some local traffic just through your friends of neighbors.
Getting some heavy duty traffic will become your main goal when you are about to open an affiliate website. However, building and advertising a website can be flat out expensive, even scary. So once you have your website, handle it wisely.
About the author:
Discover how you can create a turnkey internet marketing system that builds massive downlines for you,attracts hungry prospects automatically, and generates income non-stop, 24 hours a day!
Find out how, here:
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Why Is A Work At Home Business Now Easy?
by: Dean Shainin
Copyright 2005 Dean Shainin
Why not work at home and make money online using today’s internet technology?
With a home business using proven internet marketing techniques and opportunities it’s easy. Really!
Now, more than ever, we are seeing a revolution of people starting a work at home internet business.
If you’ve ever dreamed of having a home business, you owe it to yourself to check it out. All you have to do is follow easy steps to start growing your income.
It all has to do with marketing and creating residual income.You make money using a home business opportunity and use internet marketing tools to promote it.
Now we have email, autoresponders, search engines, marketing websites, affiliate programs, marketing experts, all of which are now very low cost and instantly available.
Think about this for a moment. A few years ago, starting a work at home business would cost at least a few thousand dollars. Now you can get started for under one hundred dollars.
A traditional business can cost thousands per month for rent, employees, insurance and inventory.
If you’re a stay at home mom, retiree, currently unemployed, or just looking to make money online, this may be the answer for you. With thousands of internet marketing home businesses out there, why not become one of them.
Others are taking advantage of the many resources, tools, and proven techniques. Be a work at home mom, a work at home dad, or just someone who is not satisfied with their job. You can start today. The possibilities are endless!
Thousands everyday log onto the internet for their fist time.
Internet marketing and having a home business is a great opportunity that is simply too good to pass up, because it’s so easy to get started. You don’t have to take my word for it, check out some work at home business websites and see for yourself.
With a home business you are in charge. You make the hours, take the orders and collect the income! Sound easy? Well, it is.
As I mentioned, the marketing tools you need to make money online are now all provided. Now, not tomorrow, or the next day. Many have seen their home business income grow, all the while working from the comfort of their own home.
Do you have children? Wouldn’t you rather be with them as much as possible, while still making money working from home?
Would you like to have your own hours? Are you tired of a long commute? How does your boss treat you?
These are some of the questions you may want to ask yourself.
Granted, a home business opportunity isn’t for everyone. You do have to put some time and energy into making it work, it really depends on you! But if you are serious about building a home business, then you really should look into how to start one.
As a member of the Better Internet Bureau, (certified quality site) and a Member of i Cop, (protecting the consumer) we are committed to upholding the highest business and ethical standards possible. It’s important for you to feel comfortable using a marketing service to get you set up and started in the right direction.
It’s never too late to start taking advantage of a work at home opportunity. Turn many hours of research with proven methods into your own home business and make money online.
There are many internet marketing services, affiliate programs and web masters, that can help you get started today. Many others, like yourself, are making money online with their own work at home business. You owe it to yourself to look into ideas on how to get started today!
About the author:
Dean Shainin is a work at home internet marketing trainer at: http://www.EndlessIncomeForLife.comWe can build you a profitable home business working part-time from home. Training, support, Websites, and products are all provided. *COMPLETE* Money Making Site Setup F-R-E-E! For details visit this site now:
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Why The Plugin Profit Site Is Still Relevant After 2 Years
by: Jeff Schuman
Copyright 2004 Jeff Schuman
A little over 2 years ago Stone Evans "The Home Biz Guy" started offering free websites as a way to get people to join him in a few select affiliate programs. Out of that became what is now known as "The Plugin Profit Site" Program or "PIPS" for short.
Stone has built thousands of these sites for free in the last 2 years. As with many affiliate programs people join for free and never ever become successful. It is not unusual to see programs lose their steam so to speak and to die out after a period of time. It is interesting to me that not only has the PIPS program not died, but it is actually thriving in the very competitive field of home based businesses and internet marketing. Here are a few reasons for that.
1. Stone Evans walks the walk. He is the number one affiliate in the world for many of the programs that make up the Plugin Profit Site. He does this by spending a great deal of his personal time marketing his program all over the internet. Do a Google search with the phrase "Stone Evans" and you will see over 1,600,000 results.
2. Stone has been consistent with his program. SFI, Host4Profit, The Internet Marketing Warriors, GetResponse, and The Internet Marketing Center have been in the Plugin Profit Site program from the start. Stone also added Traffic Swarm and Madison Dynamics at a later date. With new products and programs popping up online, almost by the minute, it would be easy to get off track and go off in all kinds of different directions.
Stone has never done this because the products and programs in the "PIPS" have proven to be the most financially successful for him personally. It is much easier to tell people what works and stick with it when you are speaking from personal experience.
3. The products and programs are free to join. The brillance to me in the "PIPS" program is how you can build a network of affiliates under you in the various programs by promoting the "Plugin Profit Site" itself. For example Stone is the number one affiliate for SFI every month and he will tell you he has does not advertise SFI directly.
Many of the top 100 sellers for SFI every month are "PIPS" members. Because you can join every program in the "PIPS affiliate program for free it has generated a large amount of new affiliates for the various programs individually in the past 2 years.
4. Anyone can make money right away. This is a key point. Stone builds you a new customized website generally in 24 hours or less. You get to pick your own domain name and he provides a logo at the top of your site promoting that name. You do have to pay for hosting, but can make back your hosting charges as you refer new PIPS members yourself. You are all set up and ready to go in a short period of time. Here is what your website will look like:
5. You are given marketing tips to follow that anyone can use to make money online with their own internet marketing website. Because there are different ability levels of people joining the "PIPS" progam ongoing training is provided that anyone can use regardless of their marketing experience. This includes a special forum in the famous Internet Marketing Warriors forum just for Plugin Profit Site members.
6. Valuable bonuses are offered to help you get started. These bonuses include free pay per click advertising credits, marketing software, ad tracking, additional marketing products and more. Perhaps the most valuable bonus of all is Stone's book "30 Days To Success." This is a guide you can follow on a day to day basis to become successful with your own internet marketing career.
All of the basics are covered in this book including how and where to advertise online, how to write articles to promote your business for free, how to use forum marketing to make more sales, how to get thousands of websites to link to you, and more. You can view a complete list of the bonuses here:
7. You get your own 400 day email marketing newsletter set up for you for free. For years now top internet marketing gurus have been saying "The Money Is In Your List." Even with more strict email marketing guidelines on spamming this still is an important aspect of your overall marketing efforts. Stone gives you a prewritten, customized newsletter for over one year. There is no charge for this. He uses GetResponse for the autoresponder to deliver your newsletter to your subscribers. You are taught how to add subscribers to your newsletter.
One drawback is that GetResponse places ads on the top of your messages as they are delivered when you are a free member. For less than $18 a month you can upgrade the pro version and all advertising is removed and many Plugin Profit Site affiliates take advantage of this offer. You can see message one of this newsletter by email here:
8. The whole program can be changed at anytime by you. This is an important feature that allows you to add and remove products and programs from your website and newsletter at anytime. Since this is yours you control everything about it. How you promote, what you promote, when you promote, etc. is determined by you. This allows you to get started and then as you learn more over time you can develop your website and newsletter around your personality and any new favorite products and programs.
9. There is not to many bad things about the Plugin Profit Site. One thing I have found is that because this program attracts so many new people to internet marketing they do not have the skill level to be successful right away. Because the sales letter on the website promoting this program is written to attract new members people sometimes they feel this is an easy way to make money right away. That is not always true.
Internet marketing is hard work and this progam is no different. You have to master the different aspects of making money online and that will take more time for some and less time for others. The nice thing is everything is already put together for you. You just have to master all of the different marketing methods nd you will make more money as you do this.
The Plugin Profit Site is a tremendous program that gives you all of the products and tools to be successful. What you do with it from there is 100% up to you. With this program you are in business for yourself, but not by yourself. If you will take the time to learn then this gives you a leg up on your competition and can be a very important income stream for many years to come. Thousands are making money with it and Stone Evans "The Home Biz Guy" is committed to helping thousands more in the years to come.
About the author:
Jeff Schuman is the creator of Team-Schuman.Com. His make money online website contains everything you need to make money on the internet. One of his top income sources is the Plugin Profit Site. You can learn more and get started for free here.
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Work at home? Why should I start a home based business?
by: Computer Work At Home Careers
Start your new work at home business today. The right time to find a work at home opportunity is right now. There has never been a better time or opportunity to make money online working at home in front of your computer. With so many people using the Internet it has become easier than ever to make money online.
Home businesses are an increasingly popular option for people seeking a way to earn an income in a way that better fits their lifestyle.
Don't delay! The conditions will never be exactly what you want them to be. You'll never have all the time you need, and you get confidence and expertise by doing, not by thinking and studying. The big question is "Why should I start working at home?". Here is a quick list of reasons why you should take a serious look at having your own home-based businesses and join this Business Opportunity following the work at home idea.
At every stage in life a person should build income streams as they become available. The Internet has made this more possible than ever. Most people dream an automatic internet money machine. They want to make money through Internet facilities. Work at home business can give you the financial vehicle to break free of chains. Because of the automation of the Internet you can create multiple streams of income for you and your family. The computer does all the mundane things most of us don’t like doing and you can literally have a business working for you 24 hours a day, worldwide, even when you sleep. You can now work at home with today’s low cost technology (internet, computer, etc.) that gives you all the capabilities of a large corporation.
Most people work for someone else and they have to go by someone else's schedule. When you work at home, you work for yourself, you're the boss, and you can do what you want when you want. It's nice to set your own schedule. If you need to take two days off, you can. You have to make it up somewhere, but you don't have to worry about letting your boss down or asking for the time two weeks in advance. When you start a home based business, you control your destiny! You get 100% of the profit from all your hard work and you have no boss and no one to answer to. This is an incredible feeling of freedom and peace to 99% of the people who experience it.
Meet people
In what other job would you have had the opportunity to meet people from all over the country, all over the world — Australia, Europe, Asia, Africa, America. It will amaze you everyday to meet and talk with new people from every walk of life. What other job allows that?
The biggest blessing that will come from a "work at home" job is being able to be home and watch your children grow. It does not matter how much money you make, if you have to give up YOUR LIFE just to get it.
Remember ... Internet is completely changing how people are doing business. It allows you to work all types of business from home to anywhere in the world and make very good money doing it. Don't put off until tomorrow what can be done today. If you want to start a business, don't put it off. There will never be a better time than now. Things in your life will never be at the "perfect" place for starting a business. Today is the perfect day. Make that life-changing decision that will allow you complete control over your future. Start a work at home business and your only regret will be that someone didn’t show you how to do this sooner.
About the author:
Author: Computer Work At Home Careers
If you are willing to work at home with your computer and follow a very simple and straightforward plan of action, you too can take control of your financial situation and say goodbye to the corporate ladder. Work at home with your computer. Build your own home business and increase your income.
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Work From Home Internet Business Opportunities-Advantage And Disadvantages
by: Tom Worsley
People often ask me how I make money online working from home. When I tell them, the response is usually, COOL I WISH I WERE DOING THAT! But there are some minor disadvantages of having a work from home internet job.
My number 1 disadvantage of working from home on the internet is interruptions by family members while I’m trying to do something productive. Sure there are always interruptions at the office but my work from home internet business resides in my kitchen. There are ways to get around this if you have a spare room that you can use to set up shop in. I do not unfortunately.
Number 2 is just plain laziness and procrastination. As my own boss it’s easy to put off work from home business in exchange for a nice quiet day in front of the TV watching the discovery channel. It’s rally hard to get motivated sometimes. Especially when everyone has left the house and you are all alone.
Number 3 is finding a good balance between family time work from home business time and my full time job. Yes I still have a full time job. One of the reasons I started a work from home business is so I would have more leisure time with friends and family. But until I am making enough to quit my full time job, it does not look like that will happen.
Number 4 is security and not knowing how much money your work from home business is going to make from month to month. Also waiting for checks to show up in the mail that are a few days behind when you need to pay a bill or the mortgage can be an inconvenience. When you are working for someone else for a set amount of hours and a set hourly rate you know exactly what your income will be.
As for the advantages, well I think the advantages far out weigh the disadvantages.
My number 1 work from home advantage is the ability to work whenever I want anywhere I want. With a lap top computer I can pretty much do business anywhere
In the world. No matter were I am, on vacation or on a business trip or whatever. The internet and today’s technology makes a work from home internet business my business of choice.
My number 2 work from home advantage is not having to commute to work every morning. We have all hard the phrases rat race, no commute required and work from home in your pajamas. I have actually worked in my pajamas on the internet with a hot cup of coffee. Knowing that you do not have to get up at 6:00 am to go to work in the morning is a beautiful feeling.
My number 3 work from home advantage is not having a boss to tell me what to do all the time. The only boss I have is my consciousness that tells me to get up off the couch and go write an article on my computer or look for places to submit my web site URL to.
And finally my number 4 work from home internet business advantage is the income potential. Basically the income potential for a work from home internet business is endless. It all depends on how hard you want to work and how much time you want to devote to your work from home internet business. And with the amount of people joining the internet community every year, the future is bright.
About the author:
Tom Worsley is a successful work from home Internet marketer and independent representative for Strong Future International (SFI), Owner and Webmaster for This article may be re-published on your site or in your newsletter as long as this resource box is included.
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Working A Home Business
by: Jeff Schuman
Are you ? Chances are you already know
that you’re really pulling “double duty”. You probably work on
your business while doing the laundry, corralling the kids, or
fixing dinner... and let’s not forget all the phone calls from
family and friends expecting you to run errands or just "go out"
for an afternoon of fun.
One of the hardest parts of working a home business is
separating your work from your family and social life. Here are
six proven ways to keep your home life running smoothly while
keeping your business on track.
1. First, create a work schedule and stick with it. It may be
tempting to answer personal calls during the day or take
business calls after-hours, but doing this actually shows that
you’re expendable – not dependable – and people will take for
granted that you’ll “always be there” for any little things that
come up. Even though family comes first, stay true to your
business hours and resist the urge to chat with friends or pick
up groceries during working hours.
2. Your friends may consider “working at home” an invitation to
chat during the day or just go out for coffee or shopping for an
afternoon. Make it clear that your business hours are just that
– for business. Leave personal calls for after-hours, and you’ll
find that your friends will gradually accept your schedule
without feeling slighted.
3. Just because you have to set up a work schedule, doesn’t mean
that you have to keep the same hours as everyone else. One of
the benefits of working for yourself is setting your own hours
to fit your most productive times. Whether you’re an early bird
or a night owl, you’ll find that you’ll get much more done when
you’re attuned to your body’s own natural rhythms. Some people
work in the morning, take a break in the afternoon when the kids
are home from school, and work again in the evening. Schedule
your work time when you feel the most productive and you’ll find
that things get done easier, faster and better than when you
were dragging along during those same rigid work hours that
everyone else has.
4. If getting after-hours business calls or work day personal
calls is a problem, it helps to have a separate business phone
line, or at least an answering machine or voice mail, to take
the incoming calls. This also gives your business a more
professional appearance to clients than if you and your family
make and receive calls from the same phone line.
5. If at all possible, try to separate your “home office” from
the rest of your home. If you don’t have the luxury of a
separate room, a room partition or screen can be just as
helpful. This also serves as a visual cue to family that you’re
working and shouldn’t be bothered.
6. Dress and act professionally while working. Some people find
it helpful to dress in casual business attire during their
working hours. This reinforces that just because you’re working
from home doesn’t make you any less of a professional. Answer
the phone with your name, or business name, and keep your
children off the phone during business hours. Also, spend money
investing in the tools you need to do your job right. A cell
phone, fax machine or even a budget computer can help turn your
home office into a true workspace.
If you follow all of these tips and stick with them, chances are
you’ll find a routine that not only makes you feel productive
and active when working your business, but also projects the
message that you mean business.
About the author: contains the best make money online and make money websites available today. If you want to make money check us out here:
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Would You Like To Make Money At Home, Make Money Online - On the Internet?
by: Michael A Fowler, M.B.A.
Money making opportunities are now abundant on the Internet. Home money making ideas have a vast range and scope, which cover everything from Cookies to Car Sales.
Millions of people worldwide are seizing the chance to become self employed.
But is making money on the Internet as viable as it seems? If you expect any level of success, then goal-setting is very important but it must be attainable in the time that you set. Impossible goals that are not achievable will only depress your future efforts.
To make money online, you obviously need certain equipment and the ability to keep it serviceable. A lot of people online do not budget for sudden mishaps or loss of service, or computer problems.
That is something to keep in mind before business commences. Your computer becomes essential to make money on the Internet.
Today, women make up a vast percentage of people who work online. They want to know how they can make money at home, still look after their children and run the household.
Making money on the Internet is an obvious choice. Today, women contribute up to 50% or more of the combined family income total. Men take note...
It is perfectly true that the rewards and advantages of working at home can be limitless. Let’s be honest, who wants to spend hours in a metal box on the freeway? Who needs someone that tells them they have to work the weekend on a Friday afternoon? It’s no wonder that to make money at home is a far better idea.
So, what do you start and where do you start? Money-making, home-based opportunities that match a person's skills, interests, abilities, and ingenuity have
become almost limitless. A good place to start looking is on the search engines. Tell the search engine what you want to find and it will direct you there.
Good search ideas might be;
a). Make money at home
b). Make money online
c). Make money on the Internet
You will get a host of results but the time spent is well worth the effort, to find something that interests you.
Remember the advantages and that efforts mirror results. Best of luck in whatever you decide to do, to make money at home.
About the author:
Michael A Fowler, M.B.A. is the editor of the Internet's premier work at home resource: Work from Home Journal.
An Online Trainer, Mentor and Coach, Michael has been helping people to succeed online since 1998. |
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Your Guide to Making an Online Income
by: Ray Mann
Copyright 2005 Ray Mann
Working online can provide many freedoms. An online income can also be difficult to maintain. There are many different types of online incomes. The best way to figure out what is right for you is to find support online from others who are trying to make an online income.
Your reasons for trying to find an online income can be many different things. You may be wanting an extra source of income or just looking to leave the 9to5 world. There are benefits no matter your reason for trying online income.
- You are your own boss.
- You directly control how much you make.
- You chose the type of job you want to do.
- No commuting.
- No special dress code.
This list could go on and on. The benefits are what you make them.
The different types of income online range from easy programs to telecommuting positions that work much like a job outside the home. Residual income is where you sell a product through a website from another company. This involves very little work on your part and the income keeps coming without anything more on your part. As long as people are visiting your site and buying what you offer, you make money. These types of programs also usually involve programs where you can sign up other people to sell and you make a cut of any income they make. The possibilities for income are huge if you chose a good company and advertise well. Another type of online income is a business opportunity. It is like residual income, but you have to continuously work to sell. You interact with your clients and can also sell offline. These types of programs usually require an investment because you are essentially building your own business. These investments buy you your promotion materials and sample of products. Telecommuting jobs are online income where you work at home. These jobs are like a job you would have outside the home. You are given work by a company and expected to perform according to their guidelines. You have to put in time to make money. These are three examples of ways to make money online. New ideas are cropping up everyday, but beware of scams that may be lurking to take advantage of your time and money.
A scam is where you are tricked out of your time or money by someone posing an income opportunity. There are some ways to spot scams. You should be wary of anyone who asks for payment for processing fees or other clerical fees. These are usually scams to steal your money. The easiest way to tell a scam is if the company doesn’t give out a lot of information or you have to pay for information. You should be able to ask questions and know everything you need to know before investing in an opportunity. Perhaps the number one way to avoid scams is to talk to others who are making online income. Search for websites about working at home and look for message boards where you can talk with others. This will help you to get advice on scams and how to avoid them. You can also check companies out with the Better Business Bureau. The most important thing to remember is if it seems too good to be true than it probably is.
Online income can give you a great way to build your finances. With the many choices of income opportunities you should easily be able to find something that works for you. Just be careful and check out any opportunity thoroughly.
About the author:
Ray Mann can help YOU start your own profitable business on the Internet within the next 24 hours... To learn more, visit:
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You too can make money online
Have you ever wished that you could make money online from the comfort of your home? Are you confused about all the schemes that are promoted as valid ways to make money? Are you unsure if it is really possible to earn a substantial income online?
The truth is that you can certainly make money online. But it is equally true that it is not "easy" and just like with anything else worthwhile, it will require work. And this is so even if you already know what you are doing. If you are new to the internet, or to internet marketing, there will be some things to learn.
So where does one start? It is a good idea to become familiar with the various ways to make money online. You see them promoted all the time. Some of the ways that are heavily promoted include working at home with an online based job, selling on eBay, making a website, promoting affiliate programs or writing information products (ebooks). People can and do make money using these strategies.
The next step would be to determine what you would like to do. Do you like to sell? Do you like to write? Are you creative? What skills do you have right now that could be applied to an internet based career?
One way to begin is to consider becoming familiar with affiliate programs and the world of affiliate marketing. Affiliate programs pay people to sell products and services for a company. You simply promote the affiliate program, getting potential customers to your "link", with the goal that they make a purchase. One way to promote affiliate programs is through creating a website and then promoting the website. If you learn how to do this you will learn many valuable skills that could be applied to many ways of making money.
Making a website to promote affiliate programs will require you to learn about affiliate programs, html and website templates, internet marketing and search engine optimization. This may sound daunting, but if taken slowly, you can learn how to do this. The reward can be very great.
About the author:
For more information about affiliate programs and other ways of making money online, visit
by: Tom Higgins
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Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Making Money in the Online Dating Gold Rush of 2004
Have you noticed the explosion of Websites related to love, sex, matchmaking, relationships, etc.? They're popping up all over the place. Why the sudden popularity you ask? Well, the reason for this "gold rush" towards Online Dating & Relationship Oriented Websites is really quite simple: people are making a lot of money with them!
So how can you claim your share of this exploding marketplace?
Well you could go off and start your own Online Dating service to compete with the likes of eHarmony and (if that's your idea of fun) but that's really not the best way for small business owners to make money in this, or any, new marketplace.
In reality, the easiest and surest way to make money in any gold rush is selling tools to the prospectors! I think you'll see what I mean in a moment.
In the Beginning...
Consider, if you will, that whenever any new industry begins there are always hundreds of other businesses needed to support it and make it truly complete. For example, just think of all the businesses that are now connected with the automotive industry. Tire companies, glass companies, mechanics, insurance agencies, driving schools, etc..
Your very own Dating & Relationship oriented website could be one of the complimentary businesses supporting the new Online Dating marketplace while generating thousands of dollars of profit in the process.
Complimentary businesses such as relationship advice sites, personal matchmaking services, astrological compatibility testing sites, personal appearance "make over" sites, background checking services, etc., etc., are all possible product or service "tools" needed by today's "romance prospectors" searching for love on the Internet. I'm sure you'll be able to come up with other product and service ideas too if you think about it.
So what other types of relationship oriented businesses are springing up based on the technologies and business models pioneered by the Online Dating sites?
New companies such as and are two good examples of a new generation of non-dating, non-romantic, relationship building Websites springing up to connect people for business relationships or other social activities. Others will surely follow their lead into this adjacent marketspace and your online business could be one of them.
Setting Up Shop.
Okay, so now that you know the best way to make money online is to sell tools, the next big question you'll need to answer is whether your new Website will be a general store carrying all types of tools or a specialty store providing some type of specific expert service or product. Let's talk about the general merchandise store first.
The General Store
Imagine if you will an 1849's old west general store loaded with canned goods, clothing, kerosene lamps, picks, shovels; everything the local prospectors needed. What would be today's Online Dating equivalent to the general store? Well in our analogy it would be a Dating Directory Website. Here's how they work.
Dating Directory Websites provide a service to their customers by collecting information about all the various Online Dating services in one centralized location. This allows their visitors to comparison shop among the various dating service companies while also making convenience purchases of advice eBooks, romantic gifts, sexy lingerie, etc., while they're browsing the entire "general store." Dating directories make their money from the affiliate sales commissions they are paid by the producers of the products they carry.
If you're thinking of getting into the Online Dating & Relationship Marketplace, setting up your own Dating Directory general store is probably the easiest way to get started. All that's required is the construction of a "store front" Website and then registration with multiple affiliate programs for the products that you want to sell.
Dating Directory startups are easy, low cost and can be built up over time with products you really enjoy selling. In addition, no product development expertise is required because you are essentially just the "shop keeper" selling someone else's products.
However, before you decide to open up your own Online Dating & Relationship product general store, you may what to consider specializing in one particular area of the market where you can carve out a niche of your own. Let's talk about this strategy for a moment.
The Specialty Shop
When it comes to the Online Dating & Relationship marketplace everyone's an expert. Including you!
It's true. Whether you're young or old, single or married, gay or straight, everyone has their own special knowledge about Dating and Relationships that can provide you with the background and knowledge needed to write a newsletter or eBook of your own.
And while I'll admit that writing an entire eBook and setting up your "specialty shop" Website is more work than running a general store Website, the potential rewards are much greater due to the uniqueness of your specialty product and the value you can deliver to your customers. So whatever you do, don't underestimate the power of the knowledge you have to offer. Get started on that newsletter or Ebook today!
Bottom Line...
If you're thinking about starting your own online business, check out this fast growing marketplace. It could be right for you. And remember, if you want to make money without risking the large amounts of capital required to compete with the big guys, don't try to start your own Online Dating "gold mine", sell the dating & relationship "picks and shovels" instead. That's where the little guys win.
About the author:
John Weisenberger is the author of "Making Money with Dating & Relationship Oriented Websites: The Facts, Statistics and Ideas You Must Know to Succeed in This Fast Growing Marketplace. For more information visit
as above
by: John Weisenberger
Copyright 2004 John Weisenberger
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Make Money on the Internet by Starting Now!
Some of the most successful businesses in existence today started in a box room, bedroom or garage. It isn't how you start out to make money at home that is important.
What really matters is that you had the courage to begin.
With a home based business, you are your own boss, or your own worst enemy.
It is now your responsibility to do things that will build your business, instead of someone else’s. To make money online, you must be online. Basic but true information...
You now have what millions of others do not have, the flexibility to work your own hours.
Although you may think life will become so much better, you will need to put in more hours than normal to start things rolling. Then to keep it rolling...
Sure, making money on the Internet may seem easy but if you don’t focus, or do things correctly, you will soon be looking for another job.
Make sure there is a market for the product or service you are promoting. Be cautious before you invest any money, because things on the Internet are not always as true as they seem.
When you are working at home, you can arrange your work schedule around your family, without worrying about sacrificing either.
Just think about the benefits of working and making money online from home and the freedom of setting your own schedule.
No commuting back and forth in traffic. No dressing up for the workplace.
Another incentive is that if you become successful and you worked with a large group of people who still have a job they hate, your own success would certainly get them interested as well.
“He makes money on the Internet” – “Works at home” – “Doesn’t have to bother getting up early” – “Takes time off when he pleases”
The actions you perform today, will determine your tomorrow.
How’s your tomorrow looking?
About the author:
Michael A Fowler, M.B.A. is the editor of the Internet's premier work at home resource: Work from Home Journal.
An Online Trainer, Mentor and Coach, Michael has been helping people to succeed online since 1998. |
by: Michael A Fowler, M.B.A.
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Make Money Online - Latest Scam Disclosed
Before we start, I want to make it clear that this article is about scammers that affect people who make money online by selling digital products, like e-books, software, etc. and have a refund policy, because we have a rather long way until the end and, if you are selling physical product or you money online through affiliate programs that don't involve a refund policy it's probably just a waste of time.
In this article, I'll talk about the "refund policy scammers". Lately, more and more people started to talk about them on forums and came out with different solutions, which we will discuss in the second part of the article, "Make Money Online - Defend Against The Latest Scam".
"Refund policy" scammers, as I stated in the beginning, affect the people that make money online by selling digital products (software, e-books for eg.). Now, you're probably wondering what's their "modus operandi". Well, it's very simple. They just find websites that sell digital products and have a 100% money back guarantee, buy the product and then they tell you they want a refund because of crappy reasons, sometimes even impossible ones (they ask for a refund only minutes after they bought the product), but in the same time they keep the products.
More and more people who make money online with this kind of websites are complaining about these incredibly immoral scammers. You will find posts like: "I received this e-mail just one minute after they bought my e-book: "I am really disappointed about your e-book, I read it and it doesn't say anything new for me. Please give me a refund." And my e-book contains 80+ pages", "I am sorry but your script doesn't show me any results. Please give me a refund." I received this e-mail just one day after he bought and my script usually show results after about 30 days "
Now, you're wondering: "Does this affect my make money online business?". You bet it does. Some time ago, it wasn't such a big problem, because only few people did it. But, nowadays, more and more people are complaining about these scammers, indicating that this refund policy "virus" is spreading quite rapidly. Today, we can even talk about professional refund policy scammers, who put up lists of products worth thousands of dollars and do "their thing". And this is nothing. Some of these scammers have an incredible nerve. not only that they scam you, but then, they start selling your products claiming it's heir own (this happened with simple products like e-books and scripts) which is a major problem for your make money online business.
Now, you're probably asking yourself: "Can I make money online by selling products and, in the same time, keep this scammers away?". Well, there are several solutions, but not without consequences. The obvious solution is to get rid of the refund policy, but this will probably decrease your conversion rate. We will discuss this and some other solutions in the next part of this article. Stay tuned, we're half way there.
About the author:
Online Internet Marketing & Home Business Resource Center http://www.partnersinsuccess.netMake money at home with our unique money making opportunities.
by: Bordu Silviu
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Earning a good amount of money with autosurf programs
Autosurf programs are the hottest thing on the internet right now. You need no experience to start and you can get started almost instantly. It’s so easy to get started; even your 10 year old kid can do it. It’s a great way to earn some extra income to sponsor your other projects you might be planning or just earn a living out of it. Autosurf programs lets you view advertisement set on an auto-timer for an amount of time and you get paid for that.
The purpose is to upgrade your account level, the more you upgrade, the more you will get paid in the end.
Autosurf programs are great, and you should get started as soon as possible to make money and feel good about it. There are many autosurf programs out there, so how do you spot a good one from a bad one?
1. Introduction
Although autosurf programs are very new and easy to use, it’s hard to tell how long they will last. There are a few autosurf programs that are stable and have lasted for awhile.
2. Checking Programs rating
Always search on google first on the programs rating before joining. If everyone is saying that it’s great and you should join, then it must mean that you must join or you’re losing out!
3. Is this autosurf program trustfully?
Check out the program’s forum! If they don’t have one, they must have something to hide. Spend some time reading the forum and asking other users question before you start. If everyone on the forum is saying its great, then try joining the program first since most if not all autosurf program lets you sign up for free.
4. Investing your money
To make money, you will need to buy upgrades. My recommendation is to start small and take the profit and deposit it into your bank, then use the small amount you started off with and invest into the autosurf program. This makes it hard for you to lose money. Since it is your hard earning money, never put in more than you can afford. There are people who are making a living using autosurf programs.
5. Final words
I love autosurf programs; it has given me more than enough money to start my other online business.
The easiest way to make money online,
[ Submitted with ArticleSubmitter Pro -]
About the author:
Learn how to make money online with autosurf programs,
by: Tony Tran
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Tuesday, 4 November 2008
Make Money Online and Live Life to the Fullest
Many people today feel they are trudging to work every day to a dead end job. These people often feel like hamsters in a wheel, running the same paces over and over and never really going anywhere. So many people have hopes and aspirations outside of their cubicles, but they seldom have the chance to explore these avenues because work and family commitments clash to severely leave any extra time for themselves. What is the answer to the monotony and the frustration?
Make money online and live your life to the fullest. When you make money online, you do not have to be sitting at your computer every second of every day. You do not need to hold your web page's hand to see it achieve ultimate financial success. You simply need to make a few effective decisions, and your computer could be making money for you.
You can make money online in many ways. Do you have a great product? Sell it online. Set up a web page detailing your product, and advertise to as many people as you can by placing it on the Internet, the world's fastest growing market place. Do you have great flair for marketing but lack a good product? That is okay, too. Companies exist that work in reselling rights to property - both product and ideas - that you can buy and then sell. They have the product, and you can do the marketing. Do you want a second income to ensure success even on days when you can't be handling hands-on marketing? Join an affiliate program. These programs provide the means to make money online every minute your web page is online, even while you sleep soundly. When you join an affiliate program, yo will put the affiliate's banner on your web site, and they will pay you every time someone goes to their site from your link. You do nothing and make money!
Making money online is not scary. Making money online is not hard. Making money online is smart. The opportunities exist for businesses willing to get out there and try. Take the leap into the technological age and make money online. You will find you are among a growing community of individuals who have chosen to be their own boss and achieve their own goals. Forums and pages designed to support Internet business owners provide insight and continual connections to the fast paced changes always occurring in the industry. You are never alone in the Internet industry business because you are among some of the most motivated and effective business people in the industry. Check out your options today. Why go to an awful job and be frustrated all day when you could make money online?
by: Benjamin Scott
Copyright 2005 Benjamin Scott
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Earn More Money in Your Online Business by Creating a PIG
If you really want to earn more money with your at home business than you need to strongly consider adding a P.I.G. Obviously, I am not referring to the questionably adorable pot bellied pig that many fine people have adopted for a pet. The concept of adding a Passive Income Generator to your business should be a top priority if you want to earn long term income.
What exactly is a Passive Income Generator?
As the names suggests, a P.I.G. is a product, system or service that will pay you and your company long after it has been implemented. In fact, the ideal P.I.G. is one where you do the work once and it pays you over and over and over with little to no maintenance on your part.
An example of a P.I.G. could be a book, an audio CD, a patent, the licence to use your idea, a service that you contract out, and much more. Let's take a book as an example. You diligently research, compile, write, edit and proofread your book. Depending on who you are this may take you anywhere from 14 days to 14 years. Once the work has been done, a publisher will usually help with the marketing and promotion of the book. Once all that has happened, you the author are left with a passive income generator that will keep selling books while you sit in the sun enjoying a margarita.
Making money with a P.I.G. has become so much more important with the acceptance of internet commerce. Today, there are some amazingly quick, simple and inexpensive ways of creating a P.I.G. As an example, take a pay per click advertising campaign. This type of a business revolves around driving traffic from the search engines at a small cost to a sales site. Once at the site, automated software can take the browser by the hand and market and market the product until a sale is made. If the product is virtual like software or an e-book, no human ever needs to get involved in the transaction (other than the buyer).
Another example of an online P.I.G is an affiliate program. Pretend you sell a digital product like an ebook or audio book. Now imagine you get to work testing all kinds of sales literature until you create a very effective selling system on your website. All you need to do now to really expand your business is drive plenty of traffic through this system. By creating an affiliate program and attracting hungry affiliates, you stand to make a greater income while working less and less. The affiliates bring in the customers, your automatic sales website does all the work and once again you get to take off to a warm sunny destination.
So no matter what business you are in, think about how you can earn more money by adding a P.I.G. What parts of your business can you automate for complete hands free operation? Could you create an entire business where you create nothing but P.I.Gs? How much more money, free time and luxury would that add to your business and lifestyle?
by: Glen Jansen
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Monday, 3 November 2008
What Does It Take to Make Money Online?
What a loaded question! Let’s narrow that down a bit and take it from the perspective of someone who wants to work from home and make money online in a home business. That will make it an easier question to answer.
Let’s assume you’ve never had a website, don’t know how to get a merchant account, don’t know html, and are pretty much stuck with being an expert on sending and receiving email.
What’s there for you to do online to make money? Lots, in fact! These days are not at all like a couple of years ago or even six months ago. If I only had all the opportunities to make money online when I started marketing!
Here is a list of things you can do with just a website and a hosting account today:
Sell affiliate products (products like reports, ebooks, hard goods of every conceivable make, model, size, shape and function, and much, much more).
Sell services (do you know how big a business being a Virtual Assistant is these days? It’s quite amazing what you can do for people without ever meeting them face-to-face, anywhere in the world!)
Online auctions (Ebay has made thousands and thousands of people full-time incomes from auctioning collectibles, antiques, and even brand new equipment and gadgets of all imaginable types. You name it, it has been sold on Ebay!)
Membership sites: Know of any groups of people that would love to get insider information on virtually any topic? You could make money online with a membership site!
The list is a long one and one I am not prepared to detail here. You have found your way onto the net and if you have been surfing for very long at all you know it is a gigantic super shopping mall. Who to you think is making the most money online? Aside from big corporations, most of the web is made up of sites put up by little businesses people work from home.
I sell information and I love it. Most of the products I sell are other merchants’ products. I just drive traffic to my site, provide information, and point to relevant products related to the information I provide people looking for a way to make money online. I love helping people make their first few sales.
After that, they are always hooked and cannot do enough to learn everything there is to know about how to make money online. Many people I have worked with now have a couple to several websites selling everything from reports to hard goods that can be shipped direct to their customers. Most people start out to make money online as affiliates of
certain products or authors. This is a great way to get your feet wet and learn what making money online is all about. People then either work to create their own products (which they get 100% of the profits from) or expand their website into other related niches.
by: Darrell Knox
Copyright 2004 Darrell Knox
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True or False: You CAN Make Money While You Sleep
It’s a crying shame really. So many people have tried to follow the Internet dream. They’ve heard the stories of others who quit their day jobs, wake up whenever they choose, take leisurely lunches with friends, shop for hours on end without one worry about how to pay for their purchases, buy new cars and pay cash for them, and make money hand over fist while they sleep. Naturally, these people would drool over the thought of being able to do the same for themselves.
However, as the landslide of people all across the globe began to flock to the ‘Net much like they did to California in the gold-rush days, they find that making money while you sleep might be a myth. They wonder if they’ve just been led astray by wicked, evil people with nothing better to do than make fools out of innocent, hardworking folks.
What is the answer? Can you make money online? CAN you make money while you sleep? I don’t mean an extra $200 a month to pay for groceries, but a real living. If so, how do you go about it?
It’s True! I’m Doing It Myself!
First of all, it’s not a myth. I can honestly tell you that I am making a full-time living online. And yes, there have been many mornings where I’ve awakened, turned on my computer, and found notifications of sales that occurred during the night. I AM making money while I sleep, and you can, too.
Let me tell you what I think probably happened to generate this long-standing myth.
The early Internet pioneers discovered ways to make automated income. They realized this was a wonderful thing and began to spread the news to everyone they knew. Then, however, those unscrupulous types (you know... the jerks) saw this as an easy way to make a fast buck. They began preaching that making automated income online was as easy as pouring yourself a glass of water. In essence, they told half the story. As more and more people tried to make a living online and failed, the promise of making money while you sleep became fiction instead of fact.
So How Do You Do It?
What’s the real truth? How can you make a full-time living online just like me? There are several ways. Let me give you the unvarnished gospel when it comes to online business. You may not like what you hear, but it is fact, not fluff.
Plan, Plan, Plan - It won’t happen overnight. Nothing good ever does. In the beginning, you’re going to create a plan then be ready to work that plan. You often hear about throwing up a website and making money while you sleep. Technically, yes, that’s all there is to it. But... how does that site get up on the ‘Net?
You have to create your site or have someone else create it. That means you have to take the time to learn professional website development (PLEASE, don’t create some junky, homemade-looking site!), or you have to pay someone who already knows how to create websites. And what will you have on your site? Your own products? (Having your own e-products is highly recommended.) Someone else’s products? You’ll need to decide before your site is created.
How will people pay for the products they buy from your site? Do you have a merchant account? Will you become an affiliate for someone else so you don’t need a payment system?
Will you go for high search engine rankings or rely on word-of-mouth, PPC ads, and other types of paid advertising? If you want good search engine optimization, you’ll have to plan for that upfront. Again, you’ll have to take time to learn how to do it or pay someone else who already knows how.
Before you take one more step toward launching your own Web business, find the answers to the questions above.
Be Ready to Work - Once your site is ready to launch, how will people find you? How, exactly, will you drive qualified visitors to your site? Will you use organic (free) search engine listings? Will you use Pay-Per-Click search engine ads? Will you buy ezine ads? Do you have other means for getting customers to visit your site? People won’t just come out of the blue, you’ll have to bring them to your site somehow.
Even if you choose to go for the organic search engine listings, you’ll have about a 4-week to 4-month wait before seeing your new site listed. What will you do in the meantime to drum up business?
How Will You Keep It Going? - Prosperous businesses are continually growing to keep up with customer demands. How will you keep your online business moving forward? Will you do research into what consumers want? Will you guess? Will you just follow the crowd?
You’ll want to have some method for gauging customer responses so you can know what your site visitors want and how to provide it for them.
One such way is to use Survey Monkey ( You can create online surveys in order to keep up with the needs/wants of your site visitors.
Service Is Key! - In order to make it in the long run, you simply must provide exceptional customer service to your clients. Those who lie, steal, cheat, or hide are destined to fail.
Understand this: Your success depends on your customers’ success. If they aren’t happy, you won’t be in business long. Make every effort to treat them as the kings and queens they are.
See? The people who turned the "make money while you sleep" fact into fiction did so because they skipped all the important information. Now that you know what to expect, you can see that it is most definitely possible to make a full-time living online. It is even possible to make money while you sleep. However, you must have a plan, be ready to work, look for ways to keep your business growing, and treat your customers as true V.I.P.s.
When you do, you’ll have all the tools you need to develop a long-standing business that - with time - will produce for you.
by: Diane Hughes
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